Industry : Real Estate

Geography : United States

Solution : Modernization

The Customer

Commercial Real Estate Company


As the demands of a global workforce and clientele grew, it became clear that continuing to house data and legacy apps on-premises across 3 global datacenters was not an efficient long-term strategy.


UnifyCloud performed an Azure Economic Assessment and an Azure Migration Assessment on 6.7M lines of code using the CloudAtlas static code analysis tool reducing 2,010 days of manual effort to just 134 minutes. Analysis highlighted AHUB, RI, and SQL MI consolidation cost savings for potential annual savings of US $4.5 million. Findings were presented side-by-side against AWS, confirming Azure as the lowest TCO cloud solution. This assessment gave the company insights into key data required to conduct and streamline a strategic Azure migration.

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UnifyCloud enabled the business-critical datacenter migration to happen in record time, meeting the aggressive one-year migration deadline while saving 5 years of development work with automated analysis.

Facilitated successful modernization of 24 apps and 65 databases with automated assessment and data-driven analysis


Projected annual savings through migration